Ataturk Wax Statue

Stok Kodu : MNP9V5X1NB
0,00 TL
0,00 TL + KDV
ATATURK WAX STATUE hyperrealistic silicone sculpture with prosthetic realistic eyes. With its reinforced steel construction body, you can exhibit our first quality wax silicone sculptures in your museums and corporate workplaces and offices.
ATATURK WAX STATUE sewing and costume fabrics and accessories are of first class quality and are made of leather, including the shoes used, and are meticulously sewn by master hands.
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Ataturk Wax Statue The Ataturk Silicone Wax Statue design has been prepared in accordance with the original for museums and corporate companies. MNP9V5X1NB
Ataturk Wax Statue

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