Osman Gazi Dress

Stok Kodu : EFLNY789
15.000,00 TL
* 1.388,50 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!!
13.636,36 TL + KDV
FOUNDATION OSMAN CLOTHING This establishment has used first-class special woven leathers and fabrics in accordance with the original in the production of Osman's clothing. The waist belt, wristbands and bork are genuine lamb - sheep - goat - calf skins. The outfit is meticulously sewn with hand workmanship. Meticulous attention has been paid to the formation of the outfit. Osman Gazi Dress Set consists of 5 pieces (leather bock, inner caftan, salwar, leather waist belt, leather bracelets). It is a product that you can give as a gift for TV Series - Cinema or Private uses because it is designed in high quality.
The copyright of all photographs of this product belongs to OTTOMAN KOSTUMLERI. When unauthorized use and sharing is detected, legal proceedings will be initiated against the person concerned.
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Osman Gazi Dress Osman Gazi Dress Ottoman Costumes 9 installments for credit card! Payment Opportunities at the Door. For contact tel:0(212)634 05 10 EFLNY789
Osman Gazi Dress

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