Ottoman Helmet

Stok Kodu : AMPSW369
10.909,09 TL
* 1.009,82 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!!
9.090,91 TL + KDV
Ottoman Helmet
Headgear worn to protect the head in wars, and also as an element of magnificence and power in ceremonies.
The helmet, which means to cover, to protect, to hide, has been used in ancient times. In wars, the head of the warrior and especially the parts of the head, neck, nose, etc., from the outside, such as swords, spears, arrows, etc. Helmet iron, etc., which is important in terms of protection against all kinds of impacts. It is made of metals or thick and durable leather. Some Helmets are wrapped in a turban.
Ottoman Helmet
Our models are inspired by the topkapi palace war and ceremonial helmet models, and the material is yellow and copper. The embroideries are handmade. Our Helmet models that you can use in decorative areas such as many home offices. They are special products that you will present to your dear friends and loved ones.

Copyright of the Photographs belongs to Ottoman Costumes. Cannot be used without permission.

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Ottoman Helmet

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