Seljuk Clothing

Stok Kodu : BGHK3PSNVS
55.000,00 TL
* 5.091,17 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!!
50.000,00 TL + KDV
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Seljuk Clothing
In the construction of this armor, first class real lamb - sheep - goat - calf skins & furs were used. The leather is carefully stitched by hand. The caftan worn inside the armor is made of 100% cotton fabric. Careful attention was paid to the smallest details in the creation of the armor. The set consists of 6 pieces (leather armor, inner caftan, shalwar, leather belt, leather bracelets) Seljuk Clothing Sizes M - L - For private uses.
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Seljuk Clothing You can visit our website with the opportunity of Seljuk Clothing and Ottoman Costumes in 9 installments. BGHK3PSNVS
Seljuk Clothing

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